Investigating the effects of wildfires and flash floods
In 2021 the devastating Telegraph fire resulted in flash floods. Residents had concerns about the environment.
We listened and took action.
Survey families to identify areas that have been impacted and determine individual- and community- level vulnerabilities and resistances/resiliencies.
Building human capacity through empowerment education and community science and train residents on how to collect environmental samples and interpret datasets.
Characterizing contaminants released during wildfires in soil, sediment, and/or settled dust with and around residential areas over time to prepare for future events.
Share and report data back to participants and provide intervention/prevention strategies to protect families.
Check out the latest results
We did it! Thank you for participating in the University of Arizona's Rethinking Wildfires, Floods, and Health Project sponsored by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the University of Arizona's College of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Sciences.
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